To engage a wide range of stakeholders to advance the continued evolution and preservation of public housing through a 10-year reinvestment plan that establishes a sustainable, affordable, and service enriched housing platform for residents to achieve their life goals. 

The Ten-Year Roadmap for Public Housing Sustainability (2024) will establish a plan to:  

  • Re-envision public housing as a sustainable, service-connected platform to promote economic and social equity through reinvestment in its critical mass of infrastructure and residents.

  • Focus on the role of public housing preservation as an efficient means of increasing the nation’s severe shortage of affordable housing.  

  • Facilitate the co-location of services that serve residents, especially Health and Housing service connections and connections to other sectors such as the Energy and Education systems.  

  • Address the lack of dedicated capital resources for public housing preservation and replacement by developing systematic capital solutions at scale.  

  • Establish a preservation pipeline over 10 years and reduce the burden of addressing the capital needs of each development in isolation at a retail level.  


Photo Credit: Seattle Housing Authority